Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Prick of the Week - Special Update.

Get in the van, you workshy cunt.

Nothing against Pat himself - this is general cussing of all the posties in Britain who have felt it necessary to down tools for a whole fuckin' week, thus depriving me of the Deadwood series 3 box set I ordered off Amazon. I've been jiggling from one foot to the other like a child trying to hold in a wee for what seems like forever, such is the terrifying force of the Deadwood craving that has taken me over. And that's just my own personal tale of woe; this special Prick of the Week is for every delayed passport application, every late credit card payment, every vital-but-absent benefit cheque, every office and every business and every birthday that has passed with no cards whatever. Posties and Royal Mail bigwigs, please, on behalf of the people of Britain, I beg of you; work your problems the fuck out. Why can't we all just be friends?


Anonymous said...

I can see their point... earning opportunities are being cut, so what the RM are offering as an inflation rise in pay with one hand, they're taking away with the other. Some rounds aren't completable without running around, with a wider round being dumped on fewer staff and more mail.

On the other hand, I can't see this being productive, ultimately. Businesses with alternatives will find them and stick to them. Less mail from the biggest paying customers means fewer staff required. And the knock-on to the economy as a whole is sufficient that the whole shebang shouldn't have been privatised in the first place, IMO.

Pete Williams said...

i daresay you're right, and perhaps i was being a little harsh when i labelled all posties as pricks... but i do feel that their point has been proved, and any further strikes (like the ones scheduled for next week) are only going to erode popular support even further. and it's the little stuff, the birthday card and deadwood box set stuff, that'll kill 'em.