Sunday 13 January 2008

Paint nothing.

Get thee behind me, Satan.

I've just spent an hour wrestling with colour charts on the Dulux website and I hereby declare it to be one of the most boring ways to waste a perfectly good Sunday afternoon I've yet found. You lose your grip on time and space, lost in endless shades of white and off-white and near-white and anti-white. And the names! Bracken salts. Labrador sands. Volcanic splash. It was a nightmare.

But I'm glad because the moment you start to care about this stuff, the day you find yourself fretting over the miniscule differences between Sundrenched Saffron and Desert Island, the day your stack of colour swatches is bigger than your stack of Batman back issues, is the day that you are officially a lost cause. It's all over. Life has broken you.

Luckily, it bores the arse off me. So I ain't dead yet.

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